Some items of business:
- We're having a general meeting this week and encourage as many of you as possible to come. It's important that you guys are active and audible, otherwise there isn't a film society. Bring ideas and opinions and voice them. Some things we plan to discuss: future screenings, equipment and other purchases you want, non-screening events and trips. That's happening this Thursday at 1PM in room 214.
- Another double screening this Friday at 6:30PM in room 214, we're showing Quentin Tarantino's "Kill Bill" Volumes 1 & 2 back to back. It'll be a lot of fun and there'll be food as always so bring your friends. Daphne bought some more ass cushions so come early to grab one if you don't feel like sitting close to the screen on the comfy couches.
- Does anyone still want to see "Paranormal Activity" as part of a group trip? "The Fourth Kind" is another scary mockumentary that's coming out soon and that could be fun, too. Would anyone want to watch something non-frightening? If there's something that everyone is really itching to see and we get a substantial list of sign-ups (no maybes), we can throw down some green and organize a mass screening (although we can't book an entire auditorium unless there's at least 100 people).
Friday, November 6th
6:30 PM
214 WEB
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