Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Bad Movies Night!!! So Bad They're Good!!!

Now I don't know about you... but sometimes I get to the point where I have seen to many movies that claim to be innovative and revolutionary for whatever reason it may be. There are sometimes when it's good to acknowledge a movie for JUST HOW BAD IT REALLY IS.

I mean think of it. The producer actually thought this movie would be appealing to a certain demographic. The director must of been intrigued by the story at one point. The actors signed on believing this would catapult their career to another level or at least sustain it.

Now with all of this said...The movie gets rave revues but not for the expected accolades but for being known as the WORST MOVIE EVER MADE.

Man, what a blow. Or maybe its not so bad. Maybe it did exactly what it set out to do. The producer was talked about (maybe for being an idiot), the director was regarded as great at achieving the worst with such grace and excellence and the actors... well yeah....

So come and check these 2 movies out this Friday. We'll be showing "The Room" and "Forbidden Zone" two strange and problematic independent films with huge cult followings.

Snacks will be provided! Bring a friend and a sense of humor! Prepare to make this face: o_O
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Who knows... while watching this movie you might just get inspired to come up with any even better idea to become the worst. LOL.

So bad they're good!
Time:6:30PM Friday, November 20th
Location:214 West End Building, Brooklyn College

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

"Wings of Desire" Screening

Thursday, November 12th
6:30 PM
214 WEB
This week we're showing a film that has been requested by a dedicated member of the film society since last year.  So you see, if you're vigilant in pestering us, eventually we will show that movie you really want us to screen.  :)

"Wings of Desire" or "Der Himmel uber Berlin" is a great German film from 1987 that won Wim Wenders the Best Director award at Cannes.  It's the story of an angel who, after watching people in Berlin, falls in love and wishes to become human.  If that sounds at all familiar, it's because it was remade in America as "City of Angels."  I promise this is better, though.

We'll have snacks, but, as we decided at last week's meeting, we will no longer be ordering pizza for every screening.  We're making that a once-a-month treat, so we don't blow through our budget on pizza or waste money when only ten people show up and we have four pies.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

This week's events

Some items of business:

  • We're having a general meeting this week and encourage as many of you as possible to come.  It's important that you guys are active and audible, otherwise there isn't a film society.  Bring ideas and opinions and voice them.  Some things we plan to discuss: future screenings, equipment and other purchases you want, non-screening events and trips.  That's happening this Thursday at 1PM in room 214.
  • Another double screening this Friday at 6:30PM in room 214, we're showing Quentin Tarantino's "Kill Bill" Volumes 1 & 2 back to back.  It'll be a lot of fun and there'll be food as always so bring your friends.  Daphne bought some more ass cushions so come early to grab one if you don't feel like sitting close to the screen on the comfy couches.
  • Does anyone still want to see "Paranormal Activity" as part of a group trip?  "The Fourth Kind" is another scary mockumentary that's coming out soon and that could be fun, too.  Would anyone want to watch something non-frightening?  If there's something that everyone is really itching to see and we get a substantial list of sign-ups (no maybes), we can throw down some green and organize a mass screening (although we can't book an entire auditorium unless there's at least 100 people).

So remember...
Friday, November 6th
6:30 PM
214 WEB