Welcome back and hello!
If the cooler temperature and crunchy leaves serve to signify anything it's that the fall semester is going full speed ahead and that means it's time for the Brooklyn College Film Society's first meeting! And since it's a new school year we'll be holding elections so anyone can run for office as either president, vice president, secretary, or treasurer. The jobs are all very important so it's crucial that anyone that decides to run is serious about the endeavor and if elected will stick to his or her promises and fulfill the needs of the position.
Regardless of seats of power and such, everyone has a voice and should use it. We want to hear your opinions, concerns, and suggestions. If there's a movie you'd love to see at one of our screenings, let us know. If you think we should spend some of our $8000 budget on specific equipment, make a proposition. We'll look into it. (Heck, if it's a reasonable option and our faculty overlords approve, we might even buy it!) If you know about any awesome filmmakers that would make good guest speakers, we'll take them into consideration-- granted that they're actually awesome! And if you have any ideas for other events we haven't yet worked on, feel free to make a suggestion or five.
It's your film society, your money, and we want you to enjoy it for all its worth!
So make sure you come to the meeting and participate-- and that means adding your email to the contact list, following the blog, and signing up with the forum.
Tuesday, September 22nd, 1:oo PM
Room 214 in the West End Building
Room 214 in the West End Building
Hooray elections for this year are going to be exciting! I hear a lot of people are gonna be running!
Hopefully though, this year I'll get to see some awesome movies! :D
Hopefully movie screenings won't always been on the same day every week so everyone can make it at least once or twice. :)
Hi Beatrice,
Unfortunately I wasn't able to make it to the election today. Would you mind telling me where I can add my e-mail to the contact list? I definitely would like to be involved in the future-- just had an unusually busy day today!
Thanks, Ariel
You can send me an email at yarrrbles@gmail.com and I'll add you to the list. Just add your full name in the email.
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